If all is well, at the end of your bankruptcy case you will receive a Discharge Order, that wipes out all of your dischargeable debts. Usually that will include:
- Credit card debt
- Personal lines of credit
- Personal guarantees
- Money judgments
- Unpaid medical expenses
- Deficiencies from prior car leases and reposessions
- Personal loans

Those creditors are no longer permitted to contact you about their debts. Why? Because legally, those debts no longer exist. If they continue to harass you during the bankruptcy case or once you receive your Discharge Order, you will want to notify us immediately.
An offending creditor can be held liable to you for money damages. The damages can more than cover the entire cost of your bankruptcy case, and much more if the violation is severe.

Now that you’ve got your Discharge Order, you’ve got a fresh financial start. Put all thoughts of bankruptcy in your rear-view mirror and go out and do something extraordinary. You are certainly capable.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t (you don’t need that negativity in your life).
And be sure to tell all your friends, you heard it here first: